*How To Donate*

All donations MUST be clean, free of human/animal hair, dirt, mold, and debris, and free of smoke or musty smells.

NO water-damaged items

We ask that your donations be organized by like categories.

DONATION APPOINTMENTS: Appointments are required for medium-large size donations. Our appointments are on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 12-5pm. This is a donation of 2 or more medium-large boxes/bags, a trunk/car-load's worth of materials, or if your donation is especially cumbersome. To make an appointment, review the Welcome & Unacceptable Items list below, after which you’ll find the donation appointment button.

SMALL DROP-OFF’S: Small donations may be dropped off during shopping hours (Wednesday, Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, 12-6pm.) A small donation is considered to be enough for one person to carry in one trip, such as 1-2 grocery bags/small boxes (approx. shoe box size). If you have more than this, please make an appointment. 

Updated January 2025




  • Yarn (all kinds)

  • Paint (all kinds)

  • Canvas

  • Bags (gift, reusable, paper, and bags w/handles)

  • 8 1/2 x 11 colored paper + construction paper


  • Baskets

  • Drawing Paper Pads

  • Fabric Yardage

  • Framing wire and fixtures

  • Glue of all types

  • Googly Eyes

  • Leather & Leather Scraps

  • Polymer Clay

  • Screen printing supplies

  • Tapes/Adhesives, all types



  • None

Updated November 2024

Welcome Items

PAINT + PAINT MATERIALS - Acrylics, Brushes, Canvas, Boards & Loose Canvas, Easels, Enamel Paint, Encaustic, Gouache, Oil Paint, Palettes, Paint Mediums & Thinners, Printmaking Materials (Brayers, Ink, Linoleum, Carving Tools), Spray Paint (tested and working), Tempera, Turpentine, Wall Paint Samples, Watercolor, Window Paint

CONTAINERS - Art Tackle Boxes, Baskets, Cigar Boxes, Glass Jars (Clean), Gift Boxes, Pencil Cases, Storage Containers

NATURAL - Basket Reed, Candle Wax + Candle-making Supplies, Cork(s), Dried Flowers, Driftwood, Floral Pebbles + Filler, Hemp Cord, Leather (pieces to full hides), Raffia, Seashells, Twine

BEADS & JEWELRY - Beads of all types, Clasps, Costume Jewelry, Fine Jewelry, Gemstones, Jewelry Cord & Wire, Fine Jewelry Making Supplies, Findings (all metals), Jewelry Making Pliers/Tools/ Supplies

TOOLS (tested and working) - Awls, Box Cutters/Blades, Carving Tools, Etching Tools, Glue Guns, Heat Guns, Measuring Tools, Linoleum Cutters, Rotary Cutters, Pasta Machines, Scissors, Soldering Tools, X-acto Knives/Blades

ADHESIVES - Elmer’s Glue, E6000, Duct Tape, Drafting Tape, Glue Sticks, Gorilla Glue, Rubber cement, Masking & Painter’s Tape, PVA, Scotch Tape, Washi Tape

OFFICE + SHIPPING - Acetate Print Sleeves, Calendars + Planners (current year), Chipboard, Cork Boards, Binder Clips, Bubble Mailers, Display Easels, Index Cards, Paper Clips, Post-its, Shipping Boxes (small), Thumb Tacks

PAPER GOODS + BOOKS - Art Papers (All Types), Art Books (Art & Design), Magazines, National Geographic Magazines, Construction Paper, Contact Paper, Paint Swatch Books, Cardstock, Collage Cut-Outs, Colored Paper, Notebooks, Scrapbook Paper & Embellishments, Sketchbooks, Wallpaper & Wallpaper Samples, Vintage Postcards, Cards, Envelopes, & Mailing Stamps


DRAWING MATERIALS - Blending Stubs, Chalk, Chalkboard Erasers, Charcoal, Colored Pencils, Crayons, Erasers, Graphite, Fixative, Pastels (Oil & Chalk), Pencils, Pens, Pen & Ink Supplies

TEXTILE - Buttons, Crochet Hooks, Circular Knitting Needles, Cross Stitch Fabric, Embroidery Floss & Hoops, Fabric Scrap, Fabric Yardage, Fabric Dyes + Paint, Knitting Needles, Looms, Needles, Needlepoint Materials, Patches, Punch Needles, Poly-Fil, Thimbles, Thread, Sewing Notions, Sewing Patterns, Yarn, Velcro, Zippers

CRAFT - Craft Kits, Craft Sticks, Faux Flowers, Glitter, Googly Eyes, Pipe Cleaners, Pom Poms, Punches, Transfer Letters & Designs, Transfer Paper, Scrapbooks, Sequins, Sheet Foam, Small Wooden Shapes, Stamps, Stencils, Stickers, Wreaths, Wooden/Metal Letters & Shapes

CLAY, MODELING, SCULPTURE - Ceramic Clays, Glaze, Modeling Clays, Paper Clays, Polymer Clays, Clay and Modeling tools (clean), Mason Stains, Plaster, Shape Cutters, Silicone Molds, 2-part Silicone + Resin, Underglazes

METAL + HARDWARE - Bolts, Brackets, Decorative Knobs, Framing Wire, Hammers, Magnets, Nails, Picture Hanging Fixtures, Sandpaper, Screws, Screwdrivers, Washers

MISCELLANEOUS - Frames, Mat Board, Compressed Cardboard Sheets

HOLIDAY + PARTY (Winter Holiday materials only accepted September-November) - Balloons, Crepe Paper, Decorations, Gift Bags, Holiday Craft Kits, Ribbon, String Lights (Tested), Wrapping Paper

Unacceptable Items

These items we DO NOT accept


Bed Sheets, Binders, Body products (lotions/lip gloss), Broken clear frame glass, Calculators, Candle Jars w/wax or residue, CD jewel cases + sleeves, Clothing Articles of Any Kind (whole pieces and cut up), Computers, Curtains, Dried out paint, Egg Cartons, Electronics, Empty Spray paint Cans, Floral Foam, Food Containers + Containers with labels, Greeting Cards with writing inside & Cards with the Fronts Removed, Hanging File Folders, Home Goods, House Paint (Gallon + Quart size), Letter Envelopes w/windows, Liquor + Wine Bottles, Packing Foam, Packing Peanuts or Packing Air Packs, Paper Sample Books, Photo Albums & Photo Album Sheets, Pillow Cases, Printers (Inkjet/Toner/Photo), Scanners, Shower Curtains, Shreds of Fabric, Stuck-together paint brushes, Styrofoam, Tablecloths (fabric), Toilet Paper + Paper Towel tubes, Varnishes


Items we do accept but are currently on pause due to overstock


Broken Ceramics, Crinkle Paper, Egg Nest Basket Filler, sewing patterns, Photography supplies (light accessories, photo paper, lenses), Trophies


Items we may accept on special cases, please call and ask about these items before making an appointment. All electronics and equipment must be pre-tested, working & have all of their accessories, if any.


Broken Ceramics/Tile/Mosaic, Cameras & Photography Supplies, CDs, Frame glass (unbroken), Fabric Samples & Swatches, Floor samples, Large Studio Equipments, Large Frames (bigger than 40”), Large Wood & Metal, Kilns, Plaster Molds, Pottery Wheels, Tile & Tile Samples, Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Sizzix brand Tools, Small Power Tools (i.e. Dremels, Hand Drills), Specialty Tools, Stained Glass, Sturdy Cardboard Tubes, Wall Mountings


Can’t find what you were wanting to donate on this list? Please refer to our other donation resources and recycling tips

For other material donation questions, please use the contact button below or call us at 513-918-4917.